Your contact details:
Does this request relate to an incident of alleged misconduct that occurred before 31-Dec 2024?
Are you seeking a member for an Undergraduate hearing?
No (I need a graduate student hearing)
Are you convening a panel subject to the Student Conduct Policy (General Misconduct)?
There are different policy requirements depending on whether the panel is convened to hear general or academic misconduct.
Has the student receiving the allegation been given 5 days to respond to the allegation notice as per section 5.37 of the policy?
No, the allegation notice did not inform the student that they had 5 days to respond.
This is a requirement under the policy, failure to do so will be deemed a procedural error, and become grounds for appeal.
Has the student receiving the allegation been given 5 working days’ notice of the time and place of the committee meeting during which the hearing will be conducted as per section 5.41 of the policy?
No, because the student requested the change or has waived this right in writing
This is a requirement under the policy, failure to do so will be deemed a procedural error, and become grounds for appeal.
Date of hearing
Time of hearing
Location of Hearing
First Name
Last Name
Email address
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